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5 Creative Activities for Siblings to Help with Memory Boxes

Category: Life with Baby
Date: August 30, 2024

At Lettie & Co., we believe that every family is unique, and so are their stories. 

Our inclusive, personalized baby books and memory boxes celebrate families of all shapes and sizes. 

A great way to make these memory boxes even more special is by involving the whole family—especially siblings! Getting kids involved in making a family memory box helps them bond and lets them add their own special touches to preserving memories.

Here are 5 creative activities for siblings to help with family memory boxes.

1. Handprint Art

Handprint art is a fun and memorable way to get siblings involved in creating a family memory box. This activity is simple but leaves a lasting impression—literally!

How to Do It:

Materials Needed: Washable paint, paper or fabric, and a shallow dish.

Step 1: Pour the washable paint into a shallow dish.

Step 2: Have each sibling dip their hand into the paint and press it onto a piece of paper or fabric.

Step 3: Allow the paint to dry, then write the child’s name and age next to the handprint.

Why It’s Special: Handprint art is a great way to capture a moment in time. As children grow, looking back at these tiny handprints can be a reminder of how small they once were. Plus, it’s a creative activity that children of all ages can enjoy!

2. Family Storytime

Sharing stories is a great way to connect and make lasting memories. Why not let siblings help by contributing their versions of family stories to the memory box?

How to Do It:

Set aside a time for a family story session. Ask each sibling to share a favorite memory or a funny story about the family.

You can record these stories either in writing or by using a voice recorder.

Why It’s Special: Storytelling encourages creativity and it allows children to feel that they are an important part of the family’s history. This activity also offers a new take on family events from a child’s point of view.

3. DIY Photo Frames

Another engaging and creative activity for siblings is making DIY photo frames. This craft not only involves the kids but also gives them a chance to personalize the family memory box.

How to Do It:

Materials Needed: Cardboard, scissors, glue, markers, stickers, and other decorating materials.

Step 1: Cut out a frame shape from the cardboard.

Step 2: Let the siblings decorate the frames with markers, stickers, glitter, or any materials they like.

Step 3: Print out photos of special moments and place them in the frames.

Why It’s Special: DIY photo frames add a personalized touch to any memory box. They let siblings show off their creativity and make something that reflects their family bond.

4. Memory Jar

A memory jar is a simple yet meaningful addition to any family memory box. It involves siblings writing their favorite memories, wishes, or messages and placing them in a jar.

How to Do It:

Materials Needed: A jar, strips of paper, and pens.

Ask each sibling to write a favorite memory, wish, or message for the family on strips of paper. Then, fold the paper strips and place them in the jar.

Why It’s Special: The memory jar is a great way to capture moments and thoughts that we might otherwise forget. It’s a fun activity that helps you reflect and appreciate, and you can do it again every year. Opening the jar later can bring back wonderful memories and smiles.

5. Treasure Hunt for Keepsakes

Turn the process of gathering items for the memory box into a fun adventure with a treasure hunt. This creative activity is sure to get the siblings excited about contributing to the family memory box.

How to Do It:

Step 1: List items for the memory box, such as a favorite toy, a family photo, a drawing, or a small keepsake from a trip.

Step 2: Give each sibling the list and set them loose on a treasure hunt around the house to find the items.

Step 3: Once they’ve gathered their treasures, spend time together choosing which ones will go into the memory box and why.

Why It’s Special: A treasure hunt adds an element of fun and surprise to creating a family memory box. It gets siblings thinking about which items matter to them and why.


Involving siblings in creating a family memory box is not just about gathering items; it’s about creating new memories together. These creative activities are a fun way to bond and make each child feel special and connected to their family’s story.

At Lettie & Co., we get how important these connections are, so our personalized baby books and memory boxes are all about celebrating each family’s unique story.

If you’re looking for more fun and creative activities to do with your kids, check out these kids’ craft ideas from The Spruce Crafts. They offer a wide range of crafts that can help keep your little ones entertained while adding special touches to your family memory box.

So, gather your family, get creative, and enjoy the journey of preserving your stories for years to come!